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  • Research – Growth Mindset

    Research – Growth Mindset

    Friday Morning Growth Mindset PAP helps improve ground force, but may not improve sprinting acceleration – interesting!

  • BioTens Strength

    BioTens Strength

    The stronger you are, the more internal tension & compression (Biotensegrity) you can generate, which is classified as force production. Such force production, when utilized, must be released directionally to achieve the desired movement outcome. Therefore, such movement outcomes must be patterned using biotensegrity strength protocols. Such protocols must include combining traditional strength exercises with…

  • Training Biotensegrity

    Training Biotensegrity

    Fascia and biotensegrity are interconnected concepts that play crucial roles in the human body’s structural integrity, movement efficiency, and overall function. Understanding the relationship between fascia and biotensegrity provides insight into how the body maintains stability and mobility through interconnected tension and compression forces. Fascia: Fascia is the connective tissue network that surrounds and permeates…

  • Understanding Time

    Understanding Time

    A pitch thrown at 100 miles per hour (mph) takes approximately 375-400 milliseconds to reach the home plate from the pitcher’s mound, which is 60 feet 6 inches away. This incredibly short reaction time challenges batters, demanding exceptional hand-eye coordination and quick decision-making. The ball travels this distance almost faster than the human eye can…