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Coil Board


22 in stock (can be backordered)


The Coil Board is a tool that allows the hitter to create and maintain posture during the swing. The hitter puts pressure on the Coil Board, enabling it to connect with the ground. Then, as they stretch or load their trailside, the Coil Board allows them to Coil their trail hip. When the hitter launches their swing, the Coil Board enables the hitter to maintain their hip hinge and ground connection to keep their posture, too, and through contact.

The Coil Board offers real-time feedback. If the board moves the hitter laterally, the hitter does not create enough ground contact and will lunge forward, unable to stay behind the ball. If the Coil Board moves behind the hitter, the hitter can maintain their hip hinge and posture and stay behind and inside the ball.


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